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The Five D's of Protection from Mosquitoes

Drain – Be sure to drain any standing water around your house. Mosquitoes can breed in a capful of water so its very important you stay vigilant and remember to tip and toss any standing water you may see. Your family and neighbors will thank you for it.

Dress – Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing. Many of the 176 mosquito species are attracted to dark clothing and some can bite through tight-fitting clothes. When practical, wear long sleeves and pants.

Dusk to Dawn – Avoid mosquito mealtimes— early evening to early morning hours. If at all possible, avoid outdoor activities during these times.

Defend – Choose a mosquito repellent that has been registered by the Environmental Protection Agency, such as DEET, Picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Registered products have been reviewed, approved, and pose minimal risk for human safety when used according to label directions.


Mosquito Life Cycle 

Male and female mosquitoes can gain energy by drinking nectar from plants but the female mosquito requires a blood meal in order to gain the nutrients needed to lay viable eggs. Therefor only the female mosquito bites humans and other animals. Female mosquitoes are known to bite many types of animals including snakes, alligators, birds, frogs, and all types of mammals. One female can lay eggs many times during her life and requires a blood meal before each of these occasions. This fact plays a key role in how dangerous mosquitoes can be in our environment. The mosquito may pick up an illness from one animal during a blood meal and then later transmit that illness on to another animal during her next feeding.

There are over 30 species of mosquitoes found in our district. These different species tend to feed on different animals; some primarily feed on birds, while others may feed on humans, which can be a problem. There are some very serious viruses found in our local population of birds in this part of the country. Our surveillance records show that two viruses that can cause serious harm to humans are present in our district year after year. Below is our report from 2012 showing the prevalence of mosquito born illness in our county.